string(2) "15" Energy income facilities for photovoltaics in homes and buildings [Sep. 2019] | PlanUp

Energy income facilities for photovoltaics in homes and buildings [Sep. 2019]



Puglia Regional Government invests in small scale production of energy based on PV, micro windmills, solar thermal, to be lent to low-income families in order to contrast energy poverty. Families are meant to profit from direct production of the energy, though they do not own the infrastructure. Residual energy fed back to the grid will allow for a small cash flow to be dedicated to a revolving fund that will allow the process to be replicated.


Energy poverty

  • Innovative leasing scheme for small scale RES production
  • Tackles energy poverty
  • Over 1000 installation planned
  • Revolving fund to be created to keep the project going

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